Charting a course
By: Jamie Wright

Scheduling the schedules
Since we now have the most adaptable scheduling modal, it was time to actually perform the scheduling. That is exactly what I worked on these last few weeks.
I evaluated a few packages to perform the scheduling as well as weighing just building it myself. Of course there is Oban but that seemed to heavy for me. I just needed something that could run something consistantly on a schedule.
I ended up going with the SchedEx package which has a pretty small footprint and it can run on a crontab schedule and you can just give it a simple mfa
There are still some edge cases to implement like cancelling jobs and updating schedules, etc. I am going to work on those edge cases over the next few weeks and, with any luck, I should be able to show an interface of the new app home!
Until next time. 🌎✌️

Kill the meeting
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