Holly branch

The Changelog

The latest updates and improvements to the next version of Tatsu. Releasing soon.

  • February 19
    Tatsu in Slack App Marketplace screenshot

    Kyber is now Tatsu

    By: Jamie Wright

    The transition from Kyber to Tatsu is complete and it went on without a hitch. The original Tatsu application has been removed from the Slack App Directory and is replaced by the upgraded Tatsu.

  • October 28
    Tatsu 🤝 Kyber

    I acquired Kyber

    By: Jamie Wright

    I had the opportunity to acquire another Slack application called Kyber and it will be the next version of Tatsu within the next month.

  • June 23
    Edit channel in discussion

    It's Been a Minute

    By: Jamie Wright

    Look up and it's been a while since the last update. I have a lot to catch you up on. Everything from new features to new thinkings.

  • March 3
    The initial mockup for Tatsu App Home

    A Bit of Housekeeping

    By: Jamie Wright

    This past month has been spent by doing some housekeeping on the internals of the application in addition to getting started on app home.

  • February 3
    The initial mockup for Tatsu App Home

    Home Sweet Home

    By: Jamie Wright

    You can now schedule recurring discussions with a team! And, the introduction of a brand new feature..

  • January 20
    Abstract diagram of a schedule

    Charting a course

    By: Jamie Wright

    The scheduling modal has been completed and it was time to implement the automatic starting of recurring meetings.

  • January 6
    Screenshot of Edit Schedule

    A Mighty Scheduling Modal

    By: Jamie Wright

    The new scheduling modal is complete and it will allow any team to create flexible schedules for their discussions.

  • December 9
    Screenshot of Edit Schedules

    Adapt easily, all inside Slack

    By: Jamie Wright

    Create and adjust schedules quickly, all right inside Slack. You can adapt to changing conditions quickly with less disruption.

  • November 25
    Screenshot of Edit Questions

    Adjust the questions quickly

    By: Jamie Wright

    Modify the questions for your standup right inside Slack during setup. You can add, remove, or move questions..

  • November 11
    Screenshot of Edit Participants

    Faster standup setup

    By: Jamie Wright

    Modify the participants for your standup right inside Slack during setup. You can add or remove existing users.

  • October 28
    Screenshot of Create new Channel

    Stay in flow

    By: Jamie Wright

    You can now create a new channel for your meetings when setting up a new meeting. Don't loose the context.

  • October 14
    Screenshot of Remind Me to Setup Later

    No Rush

    By: Jamie Wright

    Worked on the setup after install a bit this last period. You can now remind yourself to setup Tatsu at a later time. Clear the mind.

  • September 30
    An image of a hotel in Norway

    Hello, Changelog

    By: Jamie Wright

    The next version of Tatsu is being built. As you read this, I am probably holed up in my basement coding away on the new version of Tatsu. I can't wait to share the journey with you. Welcome to the Changelog.


Kill the meeting

Get more done with asynchronous discussions using the building blocks that Tatsu provides.
