It's Your Data
Below is our privacy policy, which we take pretty seriously.
Your data is yours, not ours. We take that responsibility pretty seriously and take great care in how your data is collected, handled, and stored. We never, ever will sell your data.
What is collected and why?
We are currently only collecting and storing your email address if you provided that to us. We store that email address in a secure, local database.
As we add more functionality and need to collect more information, we will update this privacy policy once we let users in.
When is your information accessed?
By providing your email address, we will send out occasional updates and information about the next release of Tatsu. For everyone of these promotional emails, you will have the option to unsubscribe.
When is your information shared?
We currently only share your email address with our email provider PostMark. We never share your information with any individual or company outside of trusted third-party services we use to operate the applications. We will never sell your information.
Your data, your rights
We use your data to provide you a service. It is your data, not ours.
You have a right to know what data is collected about you. This privacy policy serves that functionality.
You have a right to correct your data. If your data is incorrect and it cannot be corrected in the app, just reach out to support and we will fix it.
Finally you have the right to have your data removed. You can request the deletion of your data with a simple request to support.
What happens to your data after you leave?
Currently we remove Slack identifying information for users as well as some identifying team data when you uninstall Tatsu from your Slack workspace. The rest of the data collected for users, teams, and tasks are stored securely in our database indefinately. This is used to provide a better experience if you decide to reinstall Tatsu in the future.
However, if you want us to remove all record of you and your workspace in our system at any time, please make a request to support@tatsu.io and we will delete your workspace data from our database. Your Tatsu data will be removed within 30 days of your request.
How your data is secured
All data sent from your browser to our servers is encrypted over SSL. Once your data reaches our database, it is stored securely in a password protected database. Only our application or employees with restricted access can access the database directly. Your sensitive data is encrypted at rest in our database so even if someone got unauthorized access, they would not be able to read the data.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this privacy policy or your data, please reach out to support at support@tatsu.io and we will answer them.
NOTE: This is the privacy policy for the next version of Tatsu. The privacy policy for the current version of Tatsu can be found at https://tatsu.io/privacy-policy.