Kyber is now Tatsu
By: Jamie Wright

Kyber is now Tatsu
Last year, I acquired Kyber and I have been working on integrating it into Tatsu. That integration has been completed and the new Tatsu Slack app is now live in the Slack App Directory.
An oldie but a goodie
The original Tatsu app was created on April 7, 2015 and has been a staple in the Slack App Directory for years. I am excited to bring the Tatsu name back to life and continue to build on the foundation that was laid out years ago.
If you were using Kyber, you should not have to do anything as the application was just renamed. If you were a legacy Tatsu customer, you will need to install the new application. Your standup schedule will be waiting for you after you install the new app.
Exciting plans ahead
If you have any issues with the new install, just use the command /tatsu feedback
and I will get an email.
I will be focusing my efforts on some low-hanging fruit to improve the experience and fix a few bugs that have been reported before moving onto some exciting new features.
Next up, Task Numbers. I have found it difficult to reference tasks when chatting about tasks in Kyber. Task numbers will be assigned to each task for easy reference and searching. Task numbers are already in early beta and if you would like to participate and help shape this feature or provide feedback, simply send feedback in Slack and I will get you in.
One last thing. Outside Tasks are coming to Tatsu! I am already working on the ability to work with tasks outside of Tatsu/Kyber outside of the native tasks. Want to bring in issues from GitHub right into Tatsu? Do you want to mark that Basecamp task complete right where you are inside Slack? This will help you view the whole picture for all your projects.
Until next time. 🌎✌️

Kill the meeting
Get more done with asynchronous discussions using the building blocks that Tatsu provides.